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Article: Human Nav1.6 Channels Generate Larger Resurgent Currents than Human Nav1.1 Channels, but the Navβ4 Peptide Does Not Protect Either Isoform from Use-Dependent Reduction.

Full Text (publisher's website) ; Article Metadata ; Article Data (extracted)
Patel RR; Barbosa C; Xiao Y; Cummins TR
PLoS ONE, 2015

10.1371/journal.pone.0133485.t001 Modeled Action Potential Parameters.
Slow AP Fast AP
Modeled 37°C Actual 23°C Modeled 37°C Actual 23°C
Max rate of rise (V/s) 542.5 180.8 1234.0 411.3
Max rate of decay (V/s) -109.5 -36.5 -367.5 -122.5
Overshoot Amplitude (mV) 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3
Width at -20mV (ms) 1.0 3.0 0.29 0.87
Peak AHP (mV) -84.9 -84.9 -84.9 -84.9

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